CONDOR Romania - Condor S.p.A.


The presence of a branch in Bucharest represents a crucial hub for Condor's growth in Central-Eastern Europe.


The quality of our products and the high standard of our service allow us to deliver projects of any size in the residential, industrial, civil, infrastructural and Oil & Gas fields


Condor has been operating in Romania for some time. Several projects featured key, leading-edge equipment such as scaffolding and formwork systems.

Training and Safety

Training courses regularly held by Condor technicians with the support of professionals and external institutions focused on safety at work.

The branch

Condor S.p.a strengthens its presence in Central-Eastern Europe with its new branch in Bucharest.

Condor aims to merge thirty years of production know-how with Italiastar, a historical partner with commercial experience in the area, to strengthen the company’s position on the market, directly follow large projects that affect the area, offer continuous support to local projects and to devote more and more attention to the pre and post sales services provided. Thanks to its geographical position, the Bucharest office acts as a central interlocutor for all of Eastern Europe, where investments in the expansion of traffic infrastructures, as well as numerous projects for new buildings, office buildings and buildings characterize the image of the area.


Autostrada Bucuresti – Pitesti km 13.2 – 077040, Bucarest – Romania

Tel. +4.0745.531.817

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