Condor in Senegal for Sencon 2023

From 23 to 25 February our team will be in Dakar for Sencon – Salon International de la Construction, de la Finition et de l’Infrastructure, the largest event in West Africa dedicated to machinery, building material and renewables.

Condor Spa al Sencon Expo 2023, Dakar, Senegal

Our Condor team will be in Senegal from 23 to 25 February delving into a global context, exploring new markets and meeting with stakeholders to talk them through our solutions.

We’ll be waiting for you on February 23 to 25 at Hall E, Stand 5-B53 at the Centre des Expositions in Diamniadio – C.I.C.A.D in Dakar.

Condor Spa - Bruno Catello al Batimat 2022 Parigi

Make a prior appointment through the form below with our Export Sales Executive Catello Bruno who will welcome you at the exhibition to present solutions that are best suited to your project. 


phone: +39 335 7723436  

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