What is the Co.S.I.M. model and what does it have to do with BIM
The BIM (Building Information Modelling) methodology, along with all the advantages it brings is becoming increasingly popular.
It is now possible to create information models of the building such as architectural, structural and plant engineering models using the BIM technology. Meanwhile, some other model is emerging, representing the evolution of the many construction nuances in their different levels of detail: The Construction Site Information Model (Co.S.I.M.).
Therefore, Co.S.I.M. represents the “information model of the construction site and its safety” as defined by the standard UNI 11337 or, to put it simply, it is the ergo-technical model of the intervention developed in an integrated and coordinated form considering all disciplines.
The UNI 11337 requires the creation of a three-dimensional model with a sequence of construction phases and information regarding the study of technical and organizational means aimed at improving work efficiency. The execution phase must be the most detailed part. It will outline the most suitable equipment, machinery and such to carry out the work safely, in relation to the actual operating spaces.
To that end, Co.SIM will be developed in these steps:
- The ergo-technical model – designing phase
- The ergo-technical model – production phase
Design of the ergo-technical model
The coordinator for the design (client designer), is the one in charge to assist the designers in making effective the design and organizational choices to reduce risks. He also takes care of the ergonomic model at the design stage. In such wise, everyone involved in the project and design becomes aware of the choices regarding the safety feasibility of all planned interventions.
By using this model, the building design and the prevention of accidents will benefit from it, both quality- and design completeness-wise.
The exchange of information, vital for those who use the BIM methodology, between ergotechnical design and other design areas is fundamental. Through this exchange, all the professionals involved in the project develop a greater awareness of the feasibility of the works, avoiding inconsistencies and errors.
The ergotechnical model in the production phase
The ergotechnical modelling of the execution phase of the interventions designed in Co.SIM is then directly monitored during construction. This process is used to evaluate the margins for improvements and efficiency of the models made in terms of technical and technological construction choices, safety and health, sustainability of the energy consumption of the construction site.
In this phase an interactive 3D simulation will be created to detect high-risk activities and choose the best technologies in relation to costs with improvements in terms of safety and coordination.
Thanks to the synchronic BIM and Co.SIM more fluid design processes of a building suite are made possible.
At last, it should be noted that the contextualization information contained in the Co.SIM is fundamental when it comes to restructuring or restoration interventions, in order to harmonise the project of the functional-spatial subsystem of the construction site.
From construction point of view, it is therefore evident that the analysis of the ergotechnical information contained in the model relating to the technical architecture, structures, systems and specific technologies adopted by the project can allow the allocation of operating spaces.